Emma’s Sink Bath | Lake City, PA Photographer – A Personal Post


These pictures were taken almost exactly three years ago. That’s Emma not Jamey. If I had to give someone my best advice it would be to live your life and enjoy it. And that life goes incredibly fast. I can’t believe my baby is turning four soon. I remember sitting on the couch holding her and crying wondering how a week had gone by since we had come home from the hospital. Lifestyle photography has been on my mind and close to my heart for a while now and I’ve just kind of been ignoring it but looking at these pictures makes me think about the why. Why this is so important to me and why it has been on my mind so much lately. Then it really hits me. I will never been standing in the kitchen at our old house watching Nathan give a 9 month old Emma a bath in the sink after eating spaghetti again and I am so thankful to still have some way to hold onto this moment. 

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